As penned in my previous installment, War is a Racket, the United States and NATO are THE aggressors in this pseudo-proxy Ukraine war. NATO was established in 1949 as a collective defense alliance among North American and European countries, with the primary purpose of countering the threat posed by the Soviet Union and its allies during the Cold War. With the dissolution of the USSR, Gorbachev expressed concerns about the possibility of a unified Germany remaining a member of NATO. In response, President Reagan and other Western leaders offered verbal assurances that NATO would not expand its military presence into Eastern Europe. The discussions were primarily based on trust and the hope for building a new post-Cold War era of cooperation.
Since then, several former Eastern Bloc countries, including Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, expressed their desire to join NATO. In subsequent years, NATO expanded through a series of invitation rounds, and these countries, along with others, eventually became members of the alliance. The issue of NATO expansion remains a subject of debate and controversy in the context of international relations and Russian foreign policy. What could Russia’s response be to NATO’s encroachment over the past decades?
In the context of a missile launch, the case between Ukraine and Russia can be likened to that of Cuba and the United States. Just as Cuba became a strategically significant location for the Soviet Union to deploy missiles aimed at the United States, Ukraine holds a similar geopolitical importance to Russia. While the situations in Ukraine and Cuba have their own unique complexities and historical nuances, both involve rival powers asserting influence over a neighboring country and concerns over military escalation and strategic interests in the region.
Since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, Russia and Cuba have maintained diplomatic, economic, and military ties. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia's support for Cuba diminished due to its own economic and political challenges. However, in recent years, there has been a revival of the relationship between the two countries with reports of Russian military visits and the presence their advisors in Cuba indicating a continuing level of cooperation. Has Russia outfitted Cuba as a missile launch site?
Reports about Russian troops being stationed or conducting military activities in Venezuela should not come as a surprise. Russia has maintained close relations with Venezuela and has provided economic and military support to the government of President Nicolás Maduro.
While the above tweet is dated, given known cooperation, what role could this strategically located country play in planning a future assault to the United States?
Enter China. It is widely recognized China has been pursuing an assertive foreign policy and has set long-term strategic goals to enhance its global influence. One notable example is the "Belt and Road Initiative" (BRI) which aims to foster economic connectivity and infrastructure development across Asia, Europe, Africa, and other regions. The BRI is seen by many as a way for China to expand its economic and geopolitical influence through increased trade, investment, and connectivity with partner countries.
Additionally, China has been actively engaging in multilateral institutions, such as the United Nations, and has sought to shape global governance mechanisms that align with its interests. Its growing military capabilities and its assertive actions in the South China Sea have also raised concerns among neighboring countries and other global powers about its intentions and potential for regional dominance. What can we expect from the Chinese if Russia decides to directly attack the United States?
Obviously I’m no expert and my understanding barely scratches the surface, but clearly, the geopolitical dynamics are highly complex. Effective decision-making necessitates a level of competency lacking in our current leadership. Otherwise, the potential for direct conflict with Russia would not loom on the horizon and we would have greater confidence of our national security. The reports of Venezuelan and Cuban men of military age crossing the border would not be of concern.
When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.
Jean-Paul Sartre
Perhaps war at all cost IS the goal because a few will profit from the enterprise of armed conflicts. Why did Iraq, Syria, Kosovo, and other senseless wars happen? The globalists disregard the sovereignty of nations and are indifferent to the tragic human cost. The actions of our government officials, including their response to Ukraine, gives the impression of puppets manipulated by unseen forces. Unfortunately, we the taxpayers, our kids and grandchildren will bear the consequences of these conflicts that seemingly have nothing to do with our wellbeing. Just ask the wounded, the traumatized, or those suffering broken homes and hearts.
I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Our only remedy is to hold elected officials accountable by removing them from office if they fail to represent our interests. Taking a broader view, imagine a scenario where war ceased to be a profitable endeavor. Should our military's sole purpose be limited to only defend our nation and its citizens? What if a plebiscite were conducted, where only those bearing arms would decide whether a war should be declared or waged? Such contemplation prompts us to consider alternative paradigms and question the current situation.
Let us embrace the profound truth that awareness kindles knowledge, and knowledge, in turn, sparks action. As we gain a deeper understanding of the world around us, fueled by information and insight, within our hands we hold the potential to create transformative solutions and be the catalyst that propels us forward, as we unite our minds, hearts, and efforts to demand a brighter future for all.
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Father in Heaven,
We seek your guidance and wisdom during these turbulent times. Grant us the strength to hold our leaders accountable, ensuring they serve your plan for mankind. Impart Your divine justice to those who are subservient to evil and greedy agendas.
Bless leaders who prioritize the defense of our country and the well-being of our citizens. Confound those who do not promote unity, cooperation, and respect among nations.
May each one of us be your servant in this battle against powers and principalities, using our time, talents, and treasures to further your kingdom on earth. Jesus, our savior, we pray all of this in your name.
Amen Debbie, I join you in the succinct prayer at the end of another well written and info filled article!! ⚡️⚡️🙏
Thank you for explaining things so well and connecting the past to present to future. Thank you for bringing Him into it.