En Español hacia abajo | Spanish version included.
For those of us who traveled to DC to peacefully protest our dismay about the 2020 electoral process, it is a common understanding that J6 is one of our proudest moments as American citizens. We were driven by an inexplicable internal urging that could not be denied, a call if you will.
Juxtaposed with this feeling of inordinate pride is the tarnished reputation attributed to this date. Because the media besmirched the event with lies and biased coverage, we have been denied and worse yet, our own government has wrongfully imprisoned many innocent Americans.
As someone deeply involved in election security, I'm not surprised that my most steadfast and passionate colleagues in this amorphous and irregular war are those who attended J6. We were not only aware of the vast number of irregularities that occurred during the elections, but we were also witnesses to the great lie that was foisted upon us by the political establishment with the media as their accomplice. Knowing the perilous path the country was taking we share a common bond that transcends the narrative and found an outlet in activism.
Tucker Carlson’s coverage vindicates the two million or so who answered the call and know the truth. What the talking heads portrayed is a lie. What Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and the rest of the unselect committee participants purportedly investigated is a lie. If you want a first hand account, here is mine:
What remedy is available to those who’ve lost their health, incomes or worse because they were imprisoned? Will those on the Select Committee who weaponized this moment in American history face any consequences? How much did their “investigation” cost the taxpayers? What about the complicit media and their pivotal role in this debacle?
A great persecution has been imposed upon this country, all for the sake of denying President Trump his rightful term and preventing him from ever being President again. Many have been caught in the crossfire and are the victims of this unseen force behind the Democrats and complicit Republicans.
Those of us who behold America as the last bastion of freedom are in the trenches, fighting for a country that in many cases, has adopted us. We are grateful, know better, and our eyes are wide open: we understand corruption and how countries fall. Having seen otherwise in Africa, Latin America, or the Middle East, this is not the legacy we wish upon the generations to come … and there is no where else to go.
Father in Heaven,
We come before you with gratitude for truth that is finally creeping out from the recesses of our hearts to be viewed by the masses.
Lord, we clamor for justice, especially for those who have been so wrongly mistreated and have lost much for simply exercising their constitutional rights.
Lord, remember the promise of those who arrived at the shores of this land and entered in a compact with you. This country is an instrument of your divine will and we beseech you save us from the evil designations of the powers and principalities that seek to subvert this nation.
In Jesus name we pray.
These are the three organizations where I’m involved in leadership:
Defend our Union: we were behind Florida’s 2022 election reform bill and now are equipping ordinary citizens to become activists.
Women Impacting the Nation: we provide education about issues impacting family, faith, and freedom founded on Judeo-Christian values.
Nations In Action: we provide substantive solutions to strengthen the four pillars of civil society: Transparent Government, Trustworthy Politicians, Truthful Media and Transformative Parties.
And here is the story of my role in SB524.
La gran mentira
Para los que viajamos a Washington DC para protestar con paz nuestro descontento sobre el proceso electoral de 2020, nos queda la satisfacción de que el 6 de enero es uno de nuestros momentos cívicos de mayor orgullo como ciudadanos estadounidenses. Obedecimos un impulso interno que nos llamó a ser partícipes en ese evento.
Contrapuesto con este sentimiento de orgullo desmedido yace la mancha atribuida a esta fecha. Debido a que los medios de comunicación difamaron y presentaron una cobertura unilateral dramatizada, el honor de haber estado ahí se nos ha negado. Peor, el gobierno ha encarcelado injustamente a muchos estadounidenses inocentes.
Estando profundamente involucrada en el resguardar la seguridad electoral, no me sorprende que mis colegas más leales y apasionados en esta guerra amorfa e irregular sean aquellos que también asistieron al 6 de enero.
No solo éramos conscientes del gran número de irregularidades que ocurrieron durante las elecciones, sino que también fuimos testigos de la gran mentira que fue impuesta por el establecimiento político con los medios como cómplices. Sabiendo el peligroso camino que estaba tomando el país, compartimos un vínculo común que sobrepasa la narrativa y canalizamos nuestra frustración en el activismo.
La cobertura de Tucker Carlson reivindica a los aproximadamente dos millones que llegaron al capitolio y conocen la verdad. Lo que los medios comunicaron fue una mentira. Lo que Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell y el resto de los participantes del comité conspiraron fue una gran mentira.
¿Qué remedio hay para aquellos que han perdido su salud, ingresos o inclusive peor ya que yacen encarcelados? ¿Enfrentarán consecuencias aquellos en el Comité Selecto que utilizaron este momento histórico como un instrumento de su propaganda? ¿Cuánto costó la "investigación" a los contribuyentes? ¿Y qué pasa con los medios de comunicación cómplices en jugar un papel fundamental en esta farsa?
Se ha desatado un gran complot en este país para negar al presidente Trump su mandato legítimo y evitar que vuelva a ser presidente en el futuro. Muchos han sido víctimas de esta fuerza invisible en nuestra contra.
Aquellos de nosotros que consideramos a Estados Unidos como el último bastión de la libertad estamos en las trincheras, luchando por un país que en muchos casos no es nuestra tierra natal. Estamos agradecidos, somos conscientes y nuestros ojos están bien abiertos: entendemos la corrupción y cómo caen las naciones. Habiendo visto lo sucedido en África, América Latina o el Medio Oriente, este no es el legado que deseamos para las generaciones futuras... y no hay otro lugar al que ir.
Padre Celestial,
Nos presentamos ante ti con gratitud porque la verdad finalmente está emergiendo de los rincones de nuestros corazones para ser vista por las masas.
Señor, clamamos por justicia, especialmente por aquellos que han sido tan injustamente maltratados y que han perdido demasiado simplemente por ejercer sus derechos constitucionales.
Señor, recuerda la promesa de aquellos fundadores que llegaron a esta tierra en búsqueda de su libertad religiosa. Este país es un instrumento de tu voluntad divina y te suplicamos que nos salves de las designaciones malvadas de los poderes y principados que buscan subvertir esta nación.
En el nombre de Jesús oramos.
Applied I F Limited, Non-Political Forensic Investigation into Voting Integrity at U.K. General Election held on 7 May 2015 and Since, the Electoral Commission Corrupted Its Own Voting Count Model which has 3 Primary Vote Categories Missing which is NOT Compliant with Electoral Laws causing a Constitutional Crisis, which has been happening across Many Countries in the Western Part of the World. Stealing Your Vote = Stealing Your Fundamental Freedoms = Enslavement. Thou Shalt not Steal is One of God's Ten Commandments and Stealing is a Criminal Offence. How to Check Your Vote https://www.Sleazeexpo.wordpress.com When good people work together for the Love of Humanity and Justice, many cures can be found, many problems can be solved, Go in Peace, as Light awakens the Truth.
I was there and have made presentations at two deplorable meetings locally with my side of J6 and the truth.