This is so on point. I often think of my father and grandfather who served in the military, and wonder what they would say if they were alive today. I’m sure they would be appalled at how low this country’s administration has stooped in their drive to destroy our constitution. Where is the common decency that they, and I, grew up with?

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I appreciate your comment. I wrote this with the deepest respect for those such as your ancestors, heroic men and women whom I'd imagine would be dismayed at what is happening to America.

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May 28Liked by Praying Mantis

Amen. We will never give up the fight. We are winning, even though it may not seem to be so. It's just that evil speaks so much louder than those who challenge them and we are sometimes flabbergasted, rendered speechless at the lies and blatant audacity of their evil. We will find our voice and we will stand up and crush them when the time comes. They know this and they fear us. We can move mountains and we will. Faith. Those who went before us are slumbering in their graves, but they will rise up and remind us that their sacrifices will not be in vain. God bless us all. Thank you for reminding all of us of our obligation.


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This message covered so much of what the nation is going through and has been through. Happy to have found it, sad that I had missed it when written. God Bless Barry. He Knew! Praise Be Jesus Christ! Keep the prayers coming! They are lovingly shared. We will never give up! Our incarcerated Patriots are great prayer warriors too! Theirs truly ascend straight up, I do believe. A handful of them recieve your prayers from these posts, which they say are helpful and comforting! Thank You!

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