Back in the fall of 2021, after findings symptoms of data record anomalies, volunteers reached out to their county Supervisors of Elections (SOE) and the office of the Secretary of State. They attempted to obtain public records to validate the irregularities but ran into a brick wall also known as the Florida Supervisors of Elections (FSE) Association.
Their experience is comparable to this health conundrum: Imagine having a persistent cough, inexplicable weight loss, and chest pains. “Could this be lung cancer”? Lab tests are inconclusive and anxiety levels are code red. On top of it all, the oncologist refuses to order a chest X-ray. Wouldn’t that be gut wrenching and mind boggling? That is what Florida volunteers experienced for months after uncovering the symptoms of voter registration maladministration. Is the FSE hiding a cancer? Could the cancer be dark data or something else?
Representing all 67 Florida SOEs, the FSE continuously dismissed and blocked efforts to gain voter roll transparency. In obvious “cut and paste” responses generated by their attorney, nearly half of the supervisors cited vendor proprietary concerns (trade secrets) even though all requested records were public and not exempt. Some supervisors replied the “privilege” would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and many simply ignored the requests.
As the primaries approach, the anomalies observed in multiple counties make it patently clear Florida has a problem with vendors and data. The fact that a non-government organization controls information central to the election processes but is not accountable to the public is alarming. Florida Sunshine laws are some of the strongest in the nation. However, these elected officials formed associations, unions, or clubs under the guise of improving professional standards and subsequently lawyered up to protect their fiefdoms.
At the time of the citizen requests, the FSE was headed by Wesley Wilcox, the Marion County Supervisor of Elections. Wilcox went all the way to Washington to complain about a disinformation campaign and was the media’s poster child for election integrity. Wilcox took upon himself to stonewall concerned Florida citizens from assisting their elected officials.
It is likely the voter information data anomalies now surfacing in Florida’s primaries could have been prevented if Wilcox had not, in violation of the Constitution, blocked citizens in several counties. Why instruct uncooperative behavior? Were his actions driven by arrogance, incompetence, or something else? Mark Earley, the SOE from Leon County, has recently stepped into leadership as the next president.
Until there is transparency to review the voter rolls and data sources, there is no way to ascertain if what is surfacing in a multiplicity of Florida counties is a localized problem or the metastasis of an endemic situation pointing towards election maladministration. Because the FSE has persistently coordinated efforts to eclipse voter roll transparency, one wonders exactly what is being hidden and obscured. Florida’s primaries are in the shadow and might very well succumb to data darkness.
One man’s transparency is another’s humiliation.
Gerry Adams, former President of Sinn Féin
The time to rely on mainstream media as a source of truth is long gone. They will not report this. YOU are a news source within your circle of influence. Share this article to raise awareness. Even if you are not in Florida, this may be happening in your state.
If you just landed on Praying Mantis, here is the first installment of this series:
Don’t Arizona our Florida
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I was one of those people. That are breaking the law with those 3rd party venders. Florida Statue 119 has got all the laws we need
We the people