Election integrity and the virus are inextricably linked: the latter set the stage for the steal which allowed the puppet resident. #Let’sGoBrandon decimates our country while the virus paves the way for the social credit system a.k.a. vaccine passports. In the absence of clean elections, leaders not representing us will continue to herd America down the road to perdition. Our forefathers surely are turning around in their graves: we must fix 2020 - otherwise our fate is sealed.
Herds of immigrants of dubious health status cross the southern border unmitigated while American citizens fight the vaccine mandates and lose their jobs; gas prices escalate even though America is capable of self-reliancy; the Fed irreverently prints the greenbacks to fund a questionable trillion-dollar package. Inflation with devaluation? I don’t know the economic term but obliteration sounds about right. None of this would have happened under Trump. Hopefully those who could not stand the mean tweets are experiencing buyer’s remorse – the Bidenistas are curiously silent. The rest helplessly wonder how to revolt against this fraudulent administration.
The time where we can make a real difference has arrived. An iron clad lawsuit will be filed with the US Supreme Court on November 23. It was crafted with exacting material, a year’s worth of investigation data, and may be one of the game changers we have been praying for. I certainly have been on my knees. Kurt Olsen, Mike Lindell, and several other patriots are making the rounds among 26 Republican Attorney Generals to present the case.
The lawsuit is logical, the evidence compelling. In this filing, the litigants would be the states. As this country goes down the tube, one would hope the AG’s willingly join the initiative, but our voice may be the push they need at this time. We must peacefully and prayerfully encourage them to review and sign-up on behalf of We the People.
Rather than wring our hands and lament the downfall of this republic, now is the time to pick up that phone, be heard and counted. An active, informed and involved citizenry is key to the good health of this nation.
A republic, if you can keep it. Benjamin Franklin
Who is your AG? republicanags.com
Let the Supreme Court know they work for us. Tell the you know about this case: fix2020first.com
Want to get involved in Florida? defendflorida.org
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