What do James Corden, Bill Gates, Anderson Cooper and a host of globalist, social Marxists and entertainers have in common? They are in awe of Yuval Noah Harari who openly states “free will is over and humans are hackable animals”. Who is this man and why is he relevant? This is above my non-existent pay grade but let me give it a try.
Since time immemorial, man has pondered the question of “what happens after death”. From Pharaohs to Kings, Olmecs to Incas, Druids to Aborigines, virtually every civilization in all stages of evolution and sophistication have grappled with this singular question. Historical records, elaborate tombs, burial rituals, and religious zeal are the visible proof of this common human conundrum.
What happens when you don’t believe in the Abrahamic God? I submit your existence becomes meaningful pursuing the things of this world: power, wealth, fame, and influence. You either idolize the purveyors or self-idolize. Nevertheless, the quest for significance beyond the threshold of death continues to persist.
Back to Yuval. I can’t make this stuff up: you gotta watch him here. Relevant to us, those occupying the halls of power and wielding global economic and cultural influence are enamored with his notions to upgrade humanity. Merging man’s DNA with artificial intelligence and nano-bots will result in version 2.0: the trans-human. In the process, the godless have found an answer to their quest for immortality.
Does this sound like science fiction? While Harari is the most prominent of these thought leaders, his adherents, which include Barack and Zuckerbuck, are enacting the requirements for this to happen on a global scale. Watch here so you understand their goal while asking: “What happens to those who refuse to participate in this “upgrade”? Is the original version (that’s us) rendered obsolete? If so, then what?
While my reasoning may be completely wrong, just follow the money. Trillions have been invested to collapse this country and you are seeing their return on investment: gender confusion, CRT, stolen elections, media manipulation, corrupt legislators, food shortages, senseless immigration, inflation, etc. All seemingly disparate but necessary agendas to weaken the America so we abandon our founding principles and capitulate to the WEF agenda. Now does this madness start to make sense? For the elite, it totally does.
“You’ll own nothing” — And “you’ll be happy about it.” Klaus Schwab, WEF Chairman
Don’t wait on me, do your own research (hint: start with Arabella and the other funds, see 2000 Mules). As my subscribers know, I only write when the spirit calls. Click here to get the next one:
You are invited to be the light in this time of darkness. To equip you, I am working with some amazing patriots on a Virtual Summit. Text “SUMMIT” to 91776 for registration and details:
Not only do I take Z-Stack for myself, I recommend this protocol for anyone who will listen to me. I write about the election fraud, this banana republic and the rabbit hole chasing the pseudo-virus. Read about the big deceit here.
Dr. Zelenko just came out with Z-DTOX which is for the more at risk people (that would be the jabbed). I’m honored to represent this incredibly brave patriot.
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I’ve subscribed to the Epoch Times for months and just recently met one of the founders. They are passionate about the US because of what he saw happen in China. Consider a subscription, you’ll get the truth and much more. With my code, you’ll get a discount: PrayingMantis.