Legislators, be advised
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Dear Senators of the Rules Committee:
I am here to address SB562. While I am a single voice, I represent hundreds of advocates who are watching or will view this proceeding in the next few days.
SB562 is a concerted effort to suppress and silence any questions regarding the 2020 election, current election processes and practices, and the 2024 election results. Let me explain why:
Firstly, the Florida Department of State issued the Elections Crime report in January. This report cites no harassment incidents, no harassment complaints, no harassment investigations, no harassment referred cases.
Secondly, there were exactly ZERO harassment incidents, complaints or cases from all 67 counties of Florida based on 62 counties providing information to the Public Record Request.
Thirdly, Florida already has laws to protect elected officials and citizens from unbecoming behavior. We have uncovered at least six statutes that would accomplish the same result but this is specifically targeted at citizens doing their civic duty to ensure free and fair elections.
Why is time is being used on this election worker harassment bill when there are other election security bills which would close egregious gaps and risks such as:
Non-Citizens being able to register to vote. With the border crisis and hundreds of illegals being transported to Florida, this situation has not been properly addressed. We have provided the language to close this loophole.
Vote by Mail Ballots chain of custody deficiencies such as remaining in the custodians vehicle overnight and over weekend. We have shown you the proof.
Hardware and software certified to 2005 standards. The iPad was not even a product back then! When even the Pentagon has been hacked, how can we have confidence in our election equipment with this outdated standard?
My colleagues and I have addressed these concerns at a level of detail known ONLY because we ask questions, request records and persistently follow-up on discoveries stemming from our advocacy and activism. We have scheduled over 40 meetings with your colleagues in the House and Senate. More importantly, we have provided language to create bills that will address our findings such as HB1669 as an example.
This certainly seems that legislators are intimidating citizens regarding harassment when no harassment exists and overlooking areas where malfeasance and maladministration are prone to exist.
I can only conclude that a favorable vote on SB562 means you are in favor of citizens not questioning the election results of 2024, you are in favor of silencing election security advocates. Moreover, your favorable vote indicates you are not concerned about any of the risks that are well known to this body and that I have briefly outlined in this communication.
If SB562 is approved in Senate committees, and even though HB721 does not make it through House committees, SB562 could be presented to the House Floor for a vote (somewhat similar to SB7050 last session) if Speak Renner elects to do so. We are watching.
Lastly, I want to remind you that Floridians will have proof that you are NOT working to address key issues and risks to the election system which are already documented. We are keeping record of your votes and performance on these referred committees and votes on the floor. Make us proud and serve in accordance with the oath you took as our elected representatives.
For even more detail, here is a previous write up:
Excellent & spot on!
We have a real constitutional crisis in Tallahassee Florida. There are too many attempts to suppress our rights. I believe the FL uniparty rivals that of DC.