As a high school student in Venezuela, my memories of biology lab are in a class of their own. The smell of formaldehyde and ether hung lightly in the air, dissecting frogs was gross, working with cell cultures not terribly thrilling, but the shelves held an array of fascinating jarred specimens. The most memorable one was a perfectly preserved fetus. I recall gazing at it with the curiosity typical of a 14-year-old girl alongside my classmates. As we counted its tiny toes and fingers, it was clear that a sixteen-week-old fetus was indeed, a miniature baby.
In my graduating class of 90 girls, only two experienced pregnancies during high school, and both chose to carry their babies to term. I didn't know of any young girl who opted for abortion, and I believe encountering that preserved fetus left a lasting impression on our collective consciousness.
Upon moving to the United States, I was startled to find abortion openly available and treated almost casually, akin to birth control. It was deeply unsettling. Before 2020, my political engagement was primarily focused on supporting candidates who would appoint conservative judges to the Supreme Court, hoping for a future overturn of Roe v. Wade.
Now, I am deeply immersed in politics navigating through what feels like muck, but one of the few silver linings has been forging friendships with remarkable individuals. Among them is author, national radio host, and patriot, C.S. Bennett. I’d like to share his reflections with you:
If you ever gave birth to a baby, or ever held a baby shortly after birth and felt their little beating hearts and look into their curious little eyes, and you had the opportunity to nurture that baby and love that baby, isn't it the most wonderful feeling and the most precious gift in the world... And who hasn't ever sang the song below with joy...
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world;
Red and yellow, Black and white,
They are precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world...
By C.H. Woolston
Do you know that there are those who remember singing this song who profess to be a born-again believer and think it is okay to slaughter the unborn, then explain away their views and actions by saying that what this unborn baby's mother does with her unborn is between her and her God. For me, this type of mindset is unethical, immoral, unconscionable and unforgivable. There are mothers who gave birth and, in some way, or another, suffered a tragic loss of their child who would want nothing more than to have their child alive again to cradle them in their warm protective arms.
Unfortunately, it's true... I have spoken to such an individual, a professed born-again Christian, who feels that abortion is a human right. To me, people who harbor this belief and support these killings, are like thieves in the night for it is clear that they support taking innocent lives and for what purpose, I ask? That it makes life more convenient for the mother. Is that why? So, what does the Good Book say about thieves?
"The thief cometh not but to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly..." John 10:10
It is apparent that those who legitimize the slaughter of the unborn and treat our future off-springs as if they are nothing more than non-consequential cells and tissue mass, have truly been brainwashed into believing life is not actually life at the moment of conception. So, they feel free to tout this as a woman's right's issue, or better yet, a woman's choice. They say no one has the right to tell these women what to do with their bodies. For me, and others, that argument went out the door when government forced people in the workforce to get the jab or lose their jobs, get the jab or you cannot fly. Oh, but these measures were taken during COVID to save lives. Actually, that is what we are trying to do with the unborn, save precious lives.
For decades the Left have been doing their best to devalue the life of the unborn and wholesale slaughter of the unborn and abortion is the result of this. Afterall, according to them, these cells are not life, but rather a pile of gooey mass. By persuading a large enough number of people to adopt this belief, they are literally getting away with murder, which they have been doing for quite a while.
Understand, that since the inception of Roe v. Wade (1973), well over 80 million potential lives have been canceled. Well over 65% of those slaughtered occurred in the Black community. I mean, who needs the KKK or other hate groups, when Black mothers are voluntarily killing off their offsprings by the millions. You see; by looking at the embryo as useless biological mass within the womb, that makes it alright to slaughter it while escaping the feeling and label of what we call murder. In reality, a lot of mothers who abort their child suffer deep emotional guilt and that is unfortunate.
What kind of civilization are we talking about here? These are the same individuals who label those who value life and find sanctity in life itself who speak on behalf of these innocent and unprotected lives, and now, the defenders of life are the bad guys. We are targeted and labeled extremists and are excoriated and branded as dangerous for wanting to stop those who want to snuff out the lives of the unborn and do it without social, ethical or legal consequences. What an upside-down world we live in.
But who is behind this? There is a certain political party that is in full support of this abomination and this affront to the Divine One's Will, and it is they who are the real threat to innocent lives. Those who follow this evil into the deepest and darkest of pits of Hell tend to be emotionally numb and morally and spiritually bankrupted. They have become so confident in what they believe in that abortion rights have become a political platform for them to run on. And to think those pushing this ill-advised agenda appear to be all giddy about it.
Going back to my liberal Christian acquaintance, and her belief that this is between that individual and God. To this, I say, if you had a neighbor who had young children who were known to be left alone at home to fend for themselves while dad is out selling drugs, or is in prison, and mom is out with her girlfriends partying and having a good time, and those children are left starving and living in unsanitary conditions, would you not intervene or at least offer them something to eat? Or would you tell yourself, "This is between that individual parent and God."
I add, if you saw that particular mother, or dad, beating and battering their children without mercy while high on some wacked out substance, would you not intervene, or would you just say to yourself, "That's none of my business. This is between that individual and God."
Finally, if you knew that mother had a live-in boyfriend who was sexually abusing one or more of those children, especially if there was an adolescent teen under eighteen involved, would you report it or would you go to your fallback that, "This is none of my business. This is between that individual and God."
Well, if you would intervene in one of the three scenarios above, why would you not intervene when the life of an unborn child is threatened with the finality of death and possibly in the most gruesome manner you can think possible. That unborn has no say in the matter. But that is the child, or fetus, that will face termination in a very painful way in most cases. So, what does our Divine One, YAHWEH say about such things?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
"Behold. Children are a gift of the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward..." Psalm 127:3
And what about the question the Word puts forth relating to, "Am I my brother's keeper?" I am sure this applies to all children, as well as the unborn. I believe we are responsible to some degree for others when a life is at stake. To not do what you can do in such a situation is accessory after the fact. In our discussion here today, one could simply stop supporting the political party that is making laws that allow for the taking of life up to the day of birth, and sometimes, right after birth.
Still, there are some who would tell you, and try to convince you, that abortion is between a mother and her God. This is how heartless and how morally and spiritually corrupted some of these people have come to be. These folks, in my mind, are no different than the German Nazis and their cruelty towards Jews. But let's get back to the Word...
After Cain asked the Almighty this most infamous question, the response was quick and straight to the point... And He said, "What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground. So now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand. When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. A fugitive and a vagabond you shall be on the earth."
Another warning to those who support abortion...
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20
Believe it or not, they want to run on the abortion issue in 2024. I say, let them run on this Satanic platform for the day and hour will come when they must stand before the Supreme One in Judgment and answer for their beliefs and for their actions...
"For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done." Matthew 16:27
"Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image." Genesis 9:6
My question is this, who out there raising little toddlers could pick out one to abort if they had the opportunity to go back in time and do so? I think not many, if none at all... I say that we as believers in the sanctity of life, must be the vanguard and the protectors of the unborn. They cannot defend themselves, so it is up to us to protect them, speak up for them, and give them the same opportunity at life we were given... Life is taken lightly until potential death enters the picture and then we care. We should feel no different when it comes to the unborn. Yes, we are our brother's keeper...
Believe me, that's a moral, ethical, and spiritual place to be...
Father in Heaven,
Holy Spirit, impart your divine wisdom over those who are blind to this terrible situation that afflicts our nation. Our departure from morality and natural law is a stain upon our collective soul.
We pray for the souls of the innocent, may they rest in your presence and experience your abundant love. We pray for those mothers who unwittingly had abortions and who experience grave sorrow over their actions. We pray for the fathers who never were, and for those who are still feeling the hurt of their past.
We also pray for those who find themselves politically persecuted by this administration. May all who are behind bars and their families gain strength and courage knowing they are not forgotten or left behind. May they look forward to their heavenly rewards even though this time is fraught with difficulty and despair.
In Jesus’ name.
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