Serving as an echo chamber for the globalist left, the legacy media stokes the fires of the Rittenhouse trial moving on from US citizens trapped in Afghanistan, thousands of immigrants settling all over the country, rising inflation, or a debt ceiling crisis to be shouldered by our children and their grandchildren. Selective reporting does not mean problem evaporation.
As America is attacked by its own political leadership, thinking this can be reversed in the midterms is a pipe dream. Just ask yourself why the Cubans who fled Castro or the Venezuelans escaping Maduro are beyond distraught. Those unfortunate enough to experience third world dictatorships know the trajectory of cooked votes. In case you are feeling protected by DeSantis, enjoy the moment but think ahead: Florida is a red state poster-child and therefore, they will come after us with a vengeance. Trust me, with about 20% of phantom voters, Florida is ripe for the fraudulent taking. Here are the details:
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. Abraham Lincoln
Inalienable rights granted our Judeo-Christian God and declared by our forefathers holds true. As we pray for salvation, let us remember He gives us tools, but we must be a people of action. American exceptionalism is on the rise and on November 23, a lawsuit will be filed with the Supreme Court of the United States. This incredibly well written initiative has the backing of Mike Lindell and a host of very involved patriots. This is one of the many fronts that can reverse this disastrous course.
What can we do? We must exhort Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody (or whomever is in your red state) to join on our behalf. When future generations question our actions, we all should answer “I stood”, “I participated” or “I was heard.” Specifically:
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You can also call the Attorney General’s office at 850-414-3300 (switchboard).
Attorney General Moody
Office of the Attorney General
State of Florida
PL-01 The Capitol
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050
Good day Attorney General Moody,
My name is [Your Name], I am one of your constituents, and I am extremely troubled by what I have learned about what transpired during the 2020 Presidential Election, and by extension all elections prior and subsequent to 2020.
I am writing to inform you of a lawsuit that has been drafted by Mr. Kurt Olsen, which will be filed with the Supreme Court of the United States on November 23, 2021. Within the next nine days Mr. Olsen will be visiting all twenty-six of the Republican state Attorney Generals requesting they sign up and support this lawsuit. As your constituent I want to make perfectly clear that election integrity is my primary concern and I am requesting that you: (1) review the lawsuit when it is presented to you and (2) join the lawsuit on behalf of the citizens of Florida. Your decision to join or disregard this lawsuit will be the basis for how I choose to vote for Attorney General of the state of Florida in your bid for re-election.
For me, election integrity is not a question of who occupies the White House. Election integrity is about my fundamental constitutional right to determine who represents me at all levels of government, and I have seen enough evidence to suggest that my fundamental constitutional rights have been violated. I do not agree with the various Florida Supervisors of Elections, Florida Secretary of State Lee, nor anyone else who has suggested that Florida’s elections are pristine elections and reflect the will of the voters.
However, even if the belief that Florida’s elections are pristine is accurate, you as the Attorney General of Florida, having sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution for the state of Florida, are bound to join this lawsuit based on the means by which several states unconstitutionally changed their election laws in 2020 in violation of Article I Section 4 and Article II Section 1 of the Constitution of the United States when the executive and judicial branches of these various states changed voting laws.
Optional: Additionally, if the statement concerning the unconstitutional changes to methods of voting is accurate, a statement that has been presented by multiple licensed and reputable lawyers, failure to act would appear to me, as a layman, to be a violation of Rule 3-4.7 of the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct as a failure to support the constitutions of the United States and Florida.
You may argue that President Donald Trump won the state of Florida, making the efforts of Mr. Olsen a moot point. Again, I disagree because this discounts every down ballot race that may have been decided on a razor thin margin that easily could have been affected by various forms of voter fraud.
Finally, you may be concerned that supporting this lawsuit would have the appearance of partisan politics. Election integrity is not a partisan issue. In the presidential election alone, there was at least two candidates who were, more likely than not, negatively impacted by these unconstitutional changes to election laws in the various states, Donald J. Trump, the incumbent President and Republican nominee, and Bernie Sanders, a front running candidate for the Democrat Party’s nomination. Both men, and their supporters, are entitled to know their votes were not marginalized. While I ardently oppose all policies put forward by Bernie Sanders, he and Donald J. Trump, deserved to have a legitimate opportunity to run for President, an opportunity I believe they were deprived of based on voter fraud that occurred nationally.
In closing, I want to reiterate my request that you meet with Mr. Olsen, review his lawsuit that is to be presented to the Supreme Court of the United States, and formally join in support if the suit is not frivolous. Thank you for your time.
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