Jun 13Liked by Praying Mantis

It's not that simple...many of us think that yes they lab invented it..but like all Rna viruses they decay too rapidly to go around the world in any kind of pandemic...RAlphie Bariv holds patents for non replicating infectious clones however...and we think they needed this in certain places..like NYC in April of 2020 so they could gin up the numbers...but the bulk of it was flu...we were due for a bad year...and thrybkilled more peop,e by hospital protocols...including no antibiotics for pneumonia..which mist respitory viruses turn into...because of the bacteria we have all the time In our windpipes..

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I heard there are videos of people spraying the virus around. This is just one facet of the conspiracy, there is much more that was done to create a specific narrative and direction. My conclusion is do not trust.

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