If you were one of the hundreds of thousands migrating to Florida and searched for Red Belly Road in Clermont, you would not find it on Zillow. Better yet, google Red Belly Road and it is nonexistent! How then, can Red Belly Rd. appear on voter ID’s, printed on government paper, using government ink, and thereafter mailed by the government itself?
This past spring, voters on 12th St. had their real address switched to the fictitious Red Belly Road. Presumably vote by mail ballots were mailed and returned undeliverable, stored somewhere to stack the primary elections. Furthermore, Red Belly was reverted back to 12th St sometime in July. Because civic minded citizens were on the lookout, this switch was detected. Otherwise, no one would have ever known. Dear reader, this illustrates one of the many ways our votes are manipulated and the selected are elected.
Notwithstanding the advances Floridians have achieved in the recent legislative arena, despite touting the nations “gold standard for election integrity”, the vulnerability of the Sunshine State’s voter security continues to be palpable. Red Belly is the latest example in a string of anomalies that has lowered the expectations of a true vote in the upcoming midterms. The bar has fallen so low it is clanging on the floor.
Florida is one of many states where “selection” tactics are being enacted to neutralize both Republican and Democrat non establishment candidates. Unfortunately, there is not a silver bullet nor a unique solution to safeguard out vote. The problem is multifaceted and requires an equally multi-pronged approach. What can you do as an individual citizen? There are many opportunities outlined in this document:
Safeguarding the vote is not the work of a single individual. Rather, it is a collective collaboration of personal involvement from here onwards. Recognizing this is an earthly and spiritual battle, by stepping up in the natural we are standing in the spiritual. Our boots on the ground stance is a message to the powers and principalities: we will not submit. Take heart, the walls of Jericho fell because a few hundred marched and stomped in obedience. If we do the small things, He will take care of the big impossible.
A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows
St. Francis of Assisi
Want to learn more? Here you go:
Pray with me:
Father in Heaven,
You have asked us to be salt and light of this earth. Father, we pray that as we occupy the civil spaces and we stand in disagreement against the stealing of our vote, you favor us with benevolence and meddle in the affairs of your humble servants. Lord, find us doing the possible so that you may take care of the impossible. Despite our most fervent attempts, we are at battle with powers that are far more experienced, funded, and relentless in capturing America. Lord, remember this land loves You. We are to be Your light to the world. Come to our rescue Lord Jesus, eternal savior, precious blood that covers and saves us. Amen.
Your tips are meaningful, thank you for keeping me going. This particular journey was not in the plans but here we are . . .