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Lara Logan will interview the Brunson Brothers on Tuesday, January 24th. They have individually appeared on many channels, but this is their first time together moderated by a professional and well esteemed journalist. We will all listen carefully because there is more to come.
As a refresher, Deron is the brother who filed Pro Se lawsuits against the financial system and brought two petitions all the way to SCOTUS (which were subsequently denied). Given his acquired legal experience, he and his siblings came up with a plan to file seek remedy against the 387 politicians that thwarted the 2020 election investigation.
They filed two identical cases. Loy’s was filed in Federal court and got stuck there. Raland filed in Utah’s 2nd District and his is the case that has ascended to SCOTUS. It was denied on January 9th so the brothers will file a petition for reconsideration.
Thanks to interviews on the alternative platforms, the Brunson initiative has become known. Some influencers dismissed the case, legal eagles claim it has no standing, and others have derided the effort. The latter is troubling. We the People should encourage each other to get involved and do something, isn’t that what American inventiveness is all about? Many complain but who has done something?
Happily, “Be Heard, Not Herded” on Substack garnered 30K+ reads. While minuscule compared to big influencers, I daresay most who read took an action. So far about 55K handwritten, stamped letters have been sent to SCOTUS. In this digital age where everything is done by clicking on a button, fifty thousand physical letters represent a citizen who took a real stand and in doing so, became part of this case. Beautiful. Please invite others to join the Brunson Charge.
PDF to the letter and instructions (English and Spanish):
Brunson Brothers website: &
Supreme Court website: 22-380 Brunson v. Adams et al
Step by step instructions: 107 Writes a Letter
Father in Heaven,
We pray for the Holy Spirit to guide the Brunson Brothers as they petition to the court, give them supernatural insight and wisdom. We ask you illuminate the minds of the clerks who will receive the documents, may they find this case relevant and significant. Allow this lawsuit to touch the hearts of every single individual who comes in contact with it so they may advance it in accordance to your divine will.
We ask for a hedge of protection for all who are participants: as advocates, writers, interviewers, or ordinary citizens who simply desire out constitutional rights to be respected and upheld.
Lord we ask this in the name of our Holy Savior, Jesus Christ.
El martes 24 de Enero, Lara Logan entrevistará a los hermanos Brunson. Han aparecido individualmente en varios canales, pero esta será una primicia con todos juntos entrevistados por una periodista profesional y de renombre. Escuchemos atentamente pues esto tiene otras movidas.
En resumidas cuentas, Deron es el hermano que presentó las demandas “Pro Se” contra el sistema financiero y dos de sus peticiones llegaron hasta la Corte Suprema americana (posteriormente fueron negadas). Dada la experiencia legal adquirida, él y sus hermanos idearon un plan para acusar a los 387 políticos que frustraron la investigación electoral del 2020.
Los hermanos elaboraron dos casos idénticos. El de Loy se presentó en corte federal y ahí permanece. Raland presentó en el 2º Distrito de Utah y su caso ascendió a la Corte Suprema. Fue negado el 9 de enero, pero los hermanos peticionarán una reconsideración.
Gracias a las entrevistas en plataformas alternativas, la iniciativa se ha dado a conocer. Algunos han descartado el caso, mientras que otros denigran el esfuerzo. Lo que merece reconocimiento es que estos ciudadanos se involucraron en el proceder de su país y tomaron una acción manifestando la inventiva estadounidense.
Felizmente "A ganar, no somos ganado" obtuvo más de 30,000 lecturas. Aunque es insignificante en comparación con los grandes influencers del movimiento, opino que la mayoría de los que leyeron, tomaron una acción. Hasta el momento, aproximadamente 55,000 cartas firmadas a mano han sido enviadas a la corte. En una era digital en la que todo se hace con un click, cincuenta mil cartas físicas representan una acción tangible y verdadera. Cada persona que escribió una misiva se convirtió en partícipe de este caso. Invite a los suyos a que también se unan a esta iniciativa.
Instrucciones para escribir su carta:
Un enlace directo al sito red de los hermanos:
Instrucciones visuales:
Una cronología del caso:
Padre Todopoderoso,
Oramos para que el Espíritu Santo guíe a los hermanos Brunson al elaborar su petición ante el tribunal, dales una comprensión y sabiduría sobrenatural. Te pedimos que ilumines las mentes de los funcionarios que recibirán los documentos para que identifiquen a este caso como relevante e importante. Permite que esta demanda toque los corazones de cada persona que entre en contacto con ella, para que puedan avanzarla de acuerdo a tu voluntad divina.
Pedimos una protección especial para todos los participantes: como defensores, escritores, entrevistadores o ciudadanos ordinarios que simplemente desean que se respeten y se mantengan nuestros derechos constitucionales.
Señor, pedimos esto en el nombre de nuestro Santo Salvador, Jesucristo.
Thank you so very much for the update. That is exciting news about the Lara Logan interview!
You are right about influencers (I’ve come to hate that term) dismissing the Brunson’s efforts which is absurd because every stone should be turned as far as I’m concerned.
There is someone on Telegram that did just that when I commented about how negative he was about the case. I promptly left his channel. Some of these influencers need to leave their egos at the door.
Father GOD,
We, Decree and Declare our Petitions before you.
Bless those who have sounded the alert in this battle, for the whole truth to be honored.
In the name of our Son, now and forevermore. Amen and Amen