We are researching that. Some of the good provisions might not take into effect till after 2024. If this is true, then it's a slap on top of an insult - but I'm not sure.
If one wants to really make a difference in our elections then become a poll worker inspector, deputy or serve in some other official capacity. We the People are only self-governing to the extent that we are actively participating in the process.
Hey folks: at this point, I am uncertain if DeSantis signed the bill on May 2nd. There was a ESG bill signing in Jacksonville but no mention of this one. Most likely he will allow 7050 to quietly let it go into law without much fanfare. He can veto it though...nevertheless it is still bad legislation.
Thank you so much for keeping us informed. Please let us know if it was definitely signed & when it takes effect. It is a very bad Bill, and we should get some Brave Lawyers & reject this "Make Election Fraud Legal Bill!" We need to protest this peacefully with our voices and computers by the thousands with phone calls, emails & maybe a visit to Tallahassee!
When does the new law take effect? Maybe we should lawyer up now instead of later! Cut their budgets? Demand hand counting BEFORE machine counting?
We are researching that. Some of the good provisions might not take into effect till after 2024. If this is true, then it's a slap on top of an insult - but I'm not sure.
God Bless you! We will push on. Stay the course. Ginny & Bryan, Sumter County
If one wants to really make a difference in our elections then become a poll worker inspector, deputy or serve in some other official capacity. We the People are only self-governing to the extent that we are actively participating in the process.
Hey folks: at this point, I am uncertain if DeSantis signed the bill on May 2nd. There was a ESG bill signing in Jacksonville but no mention of this one. Most likely he will allow 7050 to quietly let it go into law without much fanfare. He can veto it though...nevertheless it is still bad legislation.
Thank you so much for keeping us informed. Please let us know if it was definitely signed & when it takes effect. It is a very bad Bill, and we should get some Brave Lawyers & reject this "Make Election Fraud Legal Bill!" We need to protest this peacefully with our voices and computers by the thousands with phone calls, emails & maybe a visit to Tallahassee!