When I first came across the possibility that Michelle Obama could be a man I thought it was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard. Trans wasn’t a ‘thing’ at the time, with the exception of Christine Jorgensen & one other person who I can’t remember right now. However, there seems to be so much ‘evidence’ that it’s getting harder to disbelieve the very real possibility. I don’t usually listen to Candace Owens but I did listen to her on this issue & she certainly makes a lot of sense. At this point, nothing would surprise me. Sadly, it’s just more evidence that nothing is as it seems to be & it’s more & more difficult to find any stability in this world.

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I totally agree with you. When I heard about the Obama's years ago, I thought it was preposterous but after all of these years, I wonder. I would have never touched this subject except that Candance's program was very thought provoking and compelling.

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It would be so easy to debunk with photos of ‘Mrs’ Macron as a child growing up & everything else that Candace Owens laid out. For her to put her reputation on the line, it’s staggering. Just wow is all I can say. Thank you for your response.

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Thought provoking and compelling? You should be ashamed to even listen to her. You pray in Jesus name, but feature a naked man in the video. When the fire of eternal hell embraces them and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ becomes vain for their souls, will you say Candace Owens told you so? I have loved all your posts, but the trans thing is now the tip of the spear and you are falling for it.

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I remember the clip from Joan Rivers years ago, before it was to be believed, declaring that Michelle was a “trani.” I told a few that were adamant it could not be true.

Regarding George Carlin, wasn’t he deceased by the time Obama began his destructive administration?

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I checked on that myself. There was an overlap between his death and Obama's first term and he performed all the way to one week prior to his death so the timeline is possible. Who knows but at this point, nothing surprises me. Unfortunately. The Macron issue sure is intriguing.

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How sad that you have fallen to this level of moral rubbernecking. Crawl out of the cesspool while you still have time. If you really care, send her /him the Gospel. And such were some of you.

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I haven't paid any attention to this scandal but understanding how the cabal worships the transgender Baphomet, it's interesting to see how the powers that be infuse this worship via ugly temple-destruction, not only as a eugenics agenda for the useless eaters, but as a means of keeping their selected global leaders in line with such humiliating blackmail.

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