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Is it not intentional that these bills are voluminous to prevent adequate review of the contents? Thank you for all you do.

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Is it too late to add an amendment? I’d like to add hand counting along with machine counting. Just to have the ability. It can be done easily at the precinct level. If they need volunteers from both parties to do it easy peasy. This would confirm the machine counts.

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Yep, the devil is always in the details, and sometimes unfortunately so, in that the true intent and real world effects of the legislation can be obfuscated. Keep up the good work, and other self-governing, activist citizens are grateful for your notifications and research so that we can let our elected representatives know that we are watching.

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So glad I found you. I knew about the "harrassment of election workers" being a felony but was looking for someone more knowledgeable in reading legal jargon to get the scoop on the rest of this bill. I'll be following you. Thanks for your excellent work.

I've mostly been working on education issues to help our kids as there's still a lot of work to be done here in FL. After 2020 I started writing to my Sup of Elec, Sec of State and Gov about forensic audits, machine issues and going to paper ballots. Got NO replies. Spoke to my legislators but they gave me the "everything's fine with FL elections" reply, despite all the data I sent them. Last week I called legislators on a number of bills, this one included.

Please keep us informed so we can help with calls and letters.

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