2000 people watched this live show! The spirit is moving through us and we must listen. Raland and his brothers are divinely inspired so we know this is God’s will. Debbie you did a great job facilitating the conversation! Praise the Lord and may His will be done through us! Write your letters everyone, please!
Superb conversation this evening with Raland. If President Trump is nominated for Speaker, and wins on the 17th vote.. When the SCOTUS votes the 2020 election as incomplete. With President Trump elected as Speaker…. Being in that position, he would automatically become President until the 2024 election. This could be a very Merry Orthodox Christmas, just as President Trump always said. GOD is moving. Hallelujah
Debbie you did such a great job last night and for all of the days and nights you’ve supported this case, the Brunsons and all Patriots who dream of freedom from this lowly government we ve been forced to endure! Thank you for all of your prayers on our behalf. Someone tried to tell me that that this case could never work. My response was,” I don’t know about your God but my God is an awesome God. He reigns! Everything is possible with Him.” That has Not and will never change!
Even if this case did not proceed as our wishes, I and those who chose to write our letter agree with the premise of the case and actually DID something. I do believe our actions are seen by God. Personally, on the day I'm judged, I don't want to have to explain what I did not do.
I agree 100%. I keep telling my dad we have to stand up for our beliefs even if we stand alone. That way we are faithful to God & to ourselves. I so hope they voted to go forward but if they didn’t, I’ve got about 100 petitions I’d like to file anyway. Besides drawing us closer to God, this case has also inspired many people, especially me, to do just what the Brunsons have done. It has empowered me in a way I can’t even explain.
Prayer & blessing to you all, as gobalist are here to make us fall. My rep meets with WEF, But to my taxed voice she's always been deaf. The long train of abuse has now occurred. Its become essential to break from this herd. So many suffer so many have died. My dad served Army & Navy to find they all lied. They lied about fidelity as they gave way to the sword. So my prayer to this pen & the Lord. We can give no quarter or another inch to dispare. We can not flinch as the arrows cut the air. We must stand like a Brunson another beakon of light. To do the due dilligence to take on the fight. The pricipalities grow strong with the darkness at hand. But God gave us providence we are born to this land. If my hands are ever pried from a weapon one day. It would be for American family I see here today. To know your spirits never meeting anyone. A solemn bond in a battle eventually won. I must admit tears from my eyes this day. The country I love has you all in her fate. My American brothers God bless you all. For you all I would carry that flag till I fall. Thank you for the inspiration such a precious deed. As we all know this fight will never cease. Until the sky rips open & we see him ride. Until till the day the Lord comes to preside. We carry that honor he taugh us to live. Its our life blood & sacrifice that we must give. Leave it better than we found it & stay the course. Better for the generations & with no remorse. I have the greatest respect & cant thank you all enough. Fight the good fight, evil aint that tough... Godspeed
I’m so excited to watch this. We’re almost there guys! I’ll be on my knees all day 5th & 6th!
Praying for the Brunsons and most especially the Supreme Court...may truth and justice prevail!
2000 people watched this live show! The spirit is moving through us and we must listen. Raland and his brothers are divinely inspired so we know this is God’s will. Debbie you did a great job facilitating the conversation! Praise the Lord and may His will be done through us! Write your letters everyone, please!
Thank you!
Thank you for all your doing
The country is in trouble alot stewing
Raland & the bothers are giants to me
you brought his intention & their story
This is what the world needs to see
keep up the fight never change PLEASE
Superb conversation this evening with Raland. If President Trump is nominated for Speaker, and wins on the 17th vote.. When the SCOTUS votes the 2020 election as incomplete. With President Trump elected as Speaker…. Being in that position, he would automatically become President until the 2024 election. This could be a very Merry Orthodox Christmas, just as President Trump always said. GOD is moving. Hallelujah
That is so delicious an idea I could eat it up!
Debbie you did such a great job last night and for all of the days and nights you’ve supported this case, the Brunsons and all Patriots who dream of freedom from this lowly government we ve been forced to endure! Thank you for all of your prayers on our behalf. Someone tried to tell me that that this case could never work. My response was,” I don’t know about your God but my God is an awesome God. He reigns! Everything is possible with Him.” That has Not and will never change!
Even if this case did not proceed as our wishes, I and those who chose to write our letter agree with the premise of the case and actually DID something. I do believe our actions are seen by God. Personally, on the day I'm judged, I don't want to have to explain what I did not do.
I agree 100%. I keep telling my dad we have to stand up for our beliefs even if we stand alone. That way we are faithful to God & to ourselves. I so hope they voted to go forward but if they didn’t, I’ve got about 100 petitions I’d like to file anyway. Besides drawing us closer to God, this case has also inspired many people, especially me, to do just what the Brunsons have done. It has empowered me in a way I can’t even explain.
You nailed it ! It's the book of life
when it opens I wanna be there by your side
what good is our time
if there is no honor to the divine
your not only filling the gap
But a pincer move to a new frontal attack
God's with you here on this stack
I felt shockwaves across my back
Never let evil pursuade ya
God bless & hold Venezuela!
Your so kind thank you Sally
from this barefooted boy from south side St Lou ally
This case is such a pivital moment in time
To many awakening that this land was built by the divine
The checks & balances carry weight
mimics our very natures fate
not perfect cause of man
but clearly see God's hand
Thank you very much
You see the Holy Spirit's touch
unafraid to speak what is the truth
Of THE GOD that gives us proof...
Thank you
That was wonderful
Got more people to write and repost on gettr gab and a few other platforms!!
Thank you!
I just saw this on TS. Is it True?https://truthsocial.com/users/CRTMASTERCLASS/statuses/109645724840841498
Prayer & blessing to you all, as gobalist are here to make us fall. My rep meets with WEF, But to my taxed voice she's always been deaf. The long train of abuse has now occurred. Its become essential to break from this herd. So many suffer so many have died. My dad served Army & Navy to find they all lied. They lied about fidelity as they gave way to the sword. So my prayer to this pen & the Lord. We can give no quarter or another inch to dispare. We can not flinch as the arrows cut the air. We must stand like a Brunson another beakon of light. To do the due dilligence to take on the fight. The pricipalities grow strong with the darkness at hand. But God gave us providence we are born to this land. If my hands are ever pried from a weapon one day. It would be for American family I see here today. To know your spirits never meeting anyone. A solemn bond in a battle eventually won. I must admit tears from my eyes this day. The country I love has you all in her fate. My American brothers God bless you all. For you all I would carry that flag till I fall. Thank you for the inspiration such a precious deed. As we all know this fight will never cease. Until the sky rips open & we see him ride. Until till the day the Lord comes to preside. We carry that honor he taugh us to live. Its our life blood & sacrifice that we must give. Leave it better than we found it & stay the course. Better for the generations & with no remorse. I have the greatest respect & cant thank you all enough. Fight the good fight, evil aint that tough... Godspeed
Crying my eyes out reading this and I'm in total agreement with all of it.
Thank you that is most kind & sweet
Percussion & words in song my usual beat
Your my first encounter here on the stack
I'm a bit lost here but I had to get back
I appreciate your openess & attention
So now it's Justice I must mention
Here to promote the Brunson way
It's a resurrection of the America way
It's been purposely guided away from us
So providence brings it back IN GOD WE TRUST...