On even numbered years, and following November elections, House and Senate reconvene to conclude unfinished or urgent business. Some reassembling lawmakers will not participate in the next Congress, hence the informal name: a Lame Duck Session. Outgoing legislators no longer need to court their constituents so their actions are devoid of repercussions. As lame ducks, they can pass laws that are ideologically misaligned with their base. Many so-called conservatives will seek corporate board appointments or trustee positions at educational institutions or NGOs. Demonstrating a measure of liberalism to counterweigh a previously conservative standing might look good on the resumé.
While most of the country is distracted by holiday and end of year festivities, these legislators will seek to pass hard to unravel mischief like the “Respect for Marriage Act” which will subject churches, pastors, and others to lawfare if they do not capitulate to same sex marriage and open the door to polygamy, child brides and a host of other anti-family agendas. Here is a visual of the dirty dozen:
Like an injured wild duck, flapping his wings in chaos, Congress could also attempt to retaliate against SCOTUS for overturning Rowe v. Wade. Vengeful representatives might pass legislation to stack the court and load it with liberal judges or try to impose term limits to cycle out the current conservative judges. Such actions would forever change the judicial landscape of this country.
This direct attack on SCOTUS is game changing, existential, and the sands of time are running out. How could the justices respond at this pressing moment? Enter Brunson v. Adams, a rather obscure case originating in Utah that seeks redress for the violation of Mr. Brunson’s constitutional rights to participate in a fair and honest election.
"If children do not understand the Constitution, they cannot understand how our government functions, or what their rights and responsibilities are as citizens of the United States."
- John Roberts
After the overwhelming irregularities observed in the 2020 Presidential election, ordinary citizens questioned the validity of those results. So did some intelligence agencies. In fact, there was palpable concern that foreign entities colluded with domestic actors to subvert the election, affect the outcome, and perform maneuvers favoring of a candidate aligned with their interests.
Some congressmen and a few senators raised valid arguments regarding electoral malfeasance. The law provides a 10 day pause for Congress to review election related data when such circumstances arise. This examination should have been conducted prior to certifying the electors that placed Biden into office. On January 6th, approximately two million citizens also agreed with this requirement, convening in DC to peacefully demand Congress review the data, examine the concerns, and basically do their job. Two million citizens.
Instead, Congress rushed to install what is arguably a Manchurian candidate into the Presidency of the United States. 291 Representatives failed to perform the legal requirement of reviewing prior to certifying. They intentionally refused to investigate the evidence and conspired to cover it up. By allowing fraudulent votes to be counted, they knowingly mocked their oath to support and protect the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Brunson v. Adams focuses not on the outcome of the Presidential election, but on the representative’s failure to fulfill their legal duties. The defendants should have rejected the electoral college votes from states with untrustworthy, unreliable, and unworthy electoral systems. Instead, they committed what technically amounts to an act of war and treason.
Should Brunson v. Adams succeed, the implications are staggering and life altering. 291 Representatives, 94 US Senators, Biden, Harris, and Pence are defendants who could be removed from office and/or tried for high crimes. The swishing sound of the swamp being flushed seems impossibly too good to be true.
The lack of remedies to our current two-year debacle is deflating. It would not be surprising if nothing comes out of this lawsuit and once more all hopes are dashed. However, this is a curious and unique situation. Usually, the Supreme Court is petitioned to review about 7000+ cases but only a mere 100-150 are heard. Under normal circumstances, this case would never make it on the docket. Aside from being extremely volatile, it is tinged with a level of bizarreness that usually gets relegated to the halls of oblivion. And yet, this case will be heard.
These are not normal times: the country is under siege by enemies within, the border is porous, the economy is tanking … there is a myriad of consequences derived from the misguided policies of this administration. Could SCOTUS finally act decisively and in the process, do the country a favor and rid us of this debacle? Perhaps we could all add our names to the aggrieved party. Please join me in prayer.
Get involved and advance this case. Here is how:
Heavenly Father,
We stand as witnesses to the confluence of the greatest evil ever perpetrated upon humanity. Powers and principalities seek to obliterate our foundations, destroy our nation, and enslave our souls. Father, we come to you in humility asking for your divine providence to intervene in the affairs of men. We are your instruments, work through us to save our country. Holy Spirit inspire and infuse the Supreme Court Justices with courage and patriotism.
Lord, we remind you that America is part of your divine purpose. From the Mayflower Compact through our Declaration of Independence and ratified by our Constitution, our country is your country. We pray to be rid of the corruption that is enslaving us so once again we may become a light to the world and salt of this earth,
Blood of Jesus cover America, in your name we pray. Amen.
Help and thank Raland Brunson donating here:
Case 22-0380 is on the SCOTUS docket:
You might want to listen to this for further insight:
Raland Brunson is a TRUMPet player – you can’t make this up!
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I will always write as an act of service but I do appreciate your tips @DF-PM Venmo (no PayPal for me). Thank you for reading!
Don't trust SCOTUS...CHIEF justice is a Bush, wishy-washy who made obama-care law.
They've also taking a lack of standing to throw out illegal votes and illegal criminal machines, its providers and supporters.
Almost like Brazil's captured SC; SCOTUS is captured and dare not take the god-worthy takes of rocking waves. P.s. We're stay awaiting possible chief Justice who leaked memo...that's why no action.
They have failed us...thanks Bushes...fake patriots. Time to chew a sandal
Hearty thanks for your to-the-point comments and thought-through sharing! Wishing you Christ's continuing lead (thanks Holy Spirit) and His blessing's on your speak-out efforts. They remind me of the book by Mario Murillo "Do not Leave Quietly"...written to today's churches/Christians.