Many highly credentialed scholars, journalists, and attorneys have studied the Brunson case and conclude that it has little or no chance of success. Others expound that it represents false hope and unwarranted optimism. These opinions tend to come from individuals who rely on double-blind, peer-reviewed, statistically significant, and other authoritative sources in academia's ivory towers.
The Brunson brothers are not attorneys or credentialed scholars. They are Americans who have studied our founding documents thoroughly. One of them (Deron), through personal experience, developed firsthand knowledge of court proceedings. The brothers have a deep understanding and connection to the essential principles our founding documents were based upon. For more context read here (3 minutes) or watch here (6 minutes).
In 1953, "experts" told us that it was impossible for a human being to run a mile in under 4 minutes. But in 1954, Roger Banister proved everyone wrong by breaking the 4-minute barrier and setting a new paradigm. Today, the current world record stands at 3:43 minutes, set by Hicham El Guerrouj of Morocco in 1999. One of these days, some amazing athlete will surpass that record.
Similarly, in our current reality, there are those think that simply maintaining our status quo will suffice and everything will work out just fine. Concurrently, a few psychopaths - drunk with the lust for power and control over others - correctly understand they can destroy lives of good men - if those good men simply "maintain their existence" and do nothing.
Those who are on the frontlines of this amorphous, multi-faceted, and irregular attack on humanity will never accept that "simply maintaining our existence" is an option. Cuba, Ethiopia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Venezuela are the real world. In 2007, Hugo Chaves forcibly closed Radio Caracas TV, the most important independent television station in Venezuela. When my classmates remarked "This is starting to look like Cuba," I responded, "you ARE in Cuba, can't you see it?"
Since my childhood, Venezuela has fallen from being the 10th largest world economy to a decimated country that has lost its intellectual capital and so much more. Venezuelans have fled their homeland and now are spread all over the world: in Australia, Spain, Chile, Panama, and the United States … Those with loved ones left behind support them by sending money, toilet paper, medicine, and other essential goods.
Here, in the United States, we still own our homes, have clothing, food, and comforts, but the country I aspired for my children is hanging by a thread. Some might argue it is already gone … and they might be right. Worse, there is nowhere else to go.
Will we see the ideals of America restored in our lifetime? The odds are stacked against us. Many are helpless in their consternation or clueless in their ignorance. They know something is wrong, but they cannot fully grasp or even imagine what lies ahead. Only God knows how this will unfold.
The Brunson case represents our hopes as Americans, and perhaps it marks the beginning of a cleansing of our corrupted nation and out-of-control elected officials. Let me offer you an alternative perspective: even if the case was eventually dismissed by the Supreme Court, would you still agree with its premise? What happens when you write letters and express your sentiments? Are you taking a stand in the natural world? And more importantly, what does God see in the spirit?
Our beautiful First Amendment ensures the right to petition our government for a redress of grievances. When we write letters to the Supreme Court, that is precisely what we are doing. As their employers, they are tasked to serve us and protect our rights which are based upon natural law.
Jefferson stated it well in the Declaration of Independence, our rights are based upon
“The laws of nature and natures God.”
Only those Israelites who packed up and walked with Moses made it through the Red Sea; millions stayed behind and remained enslaved in Egypt. Of the twelve spies sent out to scout the promised land, only Caleb and Joshua lived to see it because of their faith. God caused the walls of Jericho to crumble, but the faithful had to march, stomp, and blow their trumpets in obedience to Him. Faith without action is dead.
"Who will be valiant for justice's sake?" The simplest action is to put one foot in front of the other and step forward. This elemental move often has great consequences. In the case of the letter-writing campaign, when you placed your envelopes in the mailbox, you stepped across the line and stand among the counted. The Almighty sees that YOU chose to become a witness in the Courts of Heaven.
The only certainty in life is death. When we cross over, each person will have to render an account of their deeds. All will explain to the Master what we did with our talents (Matthew 25:14-30). The Brunson Brothers chose to attempt to do what Roger Banister did: change the paradigm. Like the Wright Brothers, like Gandhi, like George Washington, like Rosa Parks. Like you. Like me.
Abba in Heaven,
You are omniscient, all-powerful, and timeless. You know what was, is and will be. Please forgive us for our omissions and imperfections. Grant favor upon America, as a country and ideal that enshrines Your aspiration for all nations. Father, we ask for truth and justice. May you render your mighty judgment upon those who seek to dominate and distort your creation.
Holy Spirit, bless the Brunson Brothers with health, additional courage, and stamina. Their work captures our imagination and longing for what ought to be. Bless the many who have chosen to participate in this campaign, may their action be one of many incursions in this spiritual battle against powers and principalities. Guide and infuse us with divine knowledge.
Lord Jesus, we walk in your shadow, standing behind you as you clear paths and open doors. We are grateful and dwell within your loving embrace.
PDF to the letter and instructions (English and Spanish):
The Brunson Charge leadership interviews Loy and Juan O’Savin:
To further explore this historic case, here are some useful links:
Brunson Brothers website: &
Supreme Court website: 22-380 Brunson v. Adams et al
Step by step instructions: 107 Writes a Letter
Would you like to become more involved? Join Call One Day. Learn about another initiative here (read) or here (video):
Florida: Text SPEAK to 91776
Rest of US: Text CALL to 91776
Join ONLY if you intend to really participate as there is a small cost associated with this initiative. Thank you!
Thanks for that Debbie, and I have forwarded it to some other local political activists in my sphere of influence. Local, local, local must continue to be our frame of reference as all good governance comes from We the People, not a centralized ruling elite. And that is the mission of the Article V Convention of States movement also to encourage local political activism to bring about meaningful change.
Great work Debbie!