Do you know anyone at Intercessors For America? I’ve tried contacting them with this article but if you know someone, that would be a great place to get people in high gear on this. 50k isn’t nearly enough letters. We should have a million.

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I agree with you - we should have at least 2 million everyone who was at J6. Intercessors are very much needed, this is a spiritual war.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Praying Mantis

I posted a prayer with a link to this article so maybe this will help. There’s a lot of people on that site.

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This effort is a perfect complement to the Article V Convention of States project as it also seeks to return to constitutional self-governance through the efforts of an active grassroots army of We the People of the States acting through our elected representatives who swear that same oath of loyalty to our founding principles and our Constitution.

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Good Morning Debbie! Thank you for your leadership, joining Juan O'Savin and Roy Brunson with their Supreme Court Case 22-380. I am sharing my dropbox link for the letter that I mailed to the Supreme Court and the Brunson Brothers. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g8g5sq4o0tjoeno/Twitter%20Post%20-%20Letter%20to%20Supreme%20Court%20Justices%20-%2017%20December%202022.docx?dl=0 I have also asked my son and his 2 grandsons to produce a music video of "When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again." Our son Matt [Piano], grandsons Westin [Euphonium] and Hudson [Trumpet] will have the video completed by January 4th. My bio link https://www.dropbox.com/s/lznvlkrww7zvi8k/Bio%20-%20Gary%20R%20Miller%20-%202022.pdf?dl=0 Text me at 215-588-3001 or email me at AllForHisG@protonmail.com. God Bless, Gary

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Wonderful! I added your link to the main article.

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