Amicus , amicus curiae, amici brief, means friend of the court. You can write a statement as a friend of the court to show how you have been effected by issues in the case directly.

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It might interest you to know that an Amicus brief has been filed by New California State by our very brilliant attorney Robert Thomas, that has argued cases in the Supreme Court & is very familiar with what needs to be in an Amicus brief to strengthen the case & offer supporting evidence to make the case one that the court is more likely to actually hear. This is a very expensive undertaking for New California State. If you look up the case you will see that the Amicus Brief has been filed. New California State is a state being created out of California because California is a State in Constitutional & Financial Default. It is no longer a Representative Republic form of government. The state is being created under Article 4, Sections 3&4 of the United States Constitution. Our website is www.newcaliforniastate.com it is very extensive. For more information there is a phone number at the bottom of the website. We also have open Zoom meetings on Wednesday and Sunday evenings at about 7:10-10:00 pm PST. And Monday’s at 5 pm regarding the other states that are doing the same thing & for information on how to go through this process. You can ask questions on any of these Zoom calls.

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Thanks so much. Deron told me that a very well written amicus brief had been filed - was it by Robert Thomas? I am trying to get another one done on our end.

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Yes, it was done by Robert Thomas. New California State is one of his clients.

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You may already know that there is a cut off date that the Amicus Brief has to be in by. I’m not sure what that date is. We were late on the first case but if you look it up it is listed. So we were very sure to get this one in on time.

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Thanks for the update.

I've been making calls and writing letters to legislators on many causes (freedom of speech, overall gov't transparency, dumping voting machines, banning "gender insanity" lessons, getting the gov't to stop funding programs that use dangerous psychiatric drugs...) I've had wins and losses but what stood out most to me was how many legislators have an agenda and aren't interested in listening to citizen requests. Those people need to be replaced BUT we can't elect better people without fair, transparent elections.

In telling my neighbors about 7050, I learned most of them just assumed "everything is fine with FL elections."

So, in line with your suggestions to get involved and inform others, I recently published a petition asking the governor to call a special session to fix 7050. I did this as an individual FL voter, not as a member of a particular group. I was not trying to write the law or replace the role of Defend Florida or any other election integrity group. It's meant to complement the actions of others who are working so hard to make this right. It's something people can pass around to raise voter awareness and to let the governor know that We the People of Florida expect secure, transparent elections.

Please sign and share my petition. Copy and paste: change.org/secure-florida-elections

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I am so enjoying your audio updates, I never miss one. Thank you so much for your hard work and keeping us informed. Today’s news gives me a lift.

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Thank you Debbie for the update 👍🏻🙏

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Get you thru len.misner@yahoo.com.

Love Brunsons & wrote letters to SCOTUS, copied to Brunsons.

Most Americans don't know, SCOTUS actually facilitated every US elected official, the ability to declare immunity of their oath to uphold, abide, defend The Constitution! It would seem, Brunson cases are a final opportunity for every SCOTUS member to save their own hide from prosecution for treason.

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