Thank you for sharing your insights and information with us! This is great information that is not readily available to most people and is needed to be shared. I for one will do my part to pass this along. I remember hearing you speak at the CDF meeting in Plant City, Fl and telling your story of how you had to leave Venezuela. How the things that happen in Venezuela are forming here in America. my hope and prayer is that this election does not turn out to be like the one that Hugo Chavez won. I can see how the Democratic Party, the legacy media with their propaganda agenda, the DOJ and IRS could influence and control our elections (as if they are not already doing some of that now) As you accurately, articulated what happened in Venezuela,

I believe that we may-be on the cusp of that same outcome here in America, if the American people don’t wake up.

May we, the Believing remnant of the body of Messiah, repent for our apathy for allowing what God had entrusted to our care to slip through our fingers, by not voicing and acting on, what we knew in our hearts was wrong. By allowing abortion to go on challenged for so long. For not holding our elected officials accountable, for their actions and lack of action. And for or allowing the manipulation of our young children’s hearts and minds, so that they want to mutilate their bodies, destroy the image that they were created in and leaving them in a hopeless sense of despair.

LORD please forgive us of our sins and send Your Holy Spirit to bring conviction of sin and repentance to America once again, in Jesus Name, amen

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Given what has happened in Venezuela, I believe the Lord has given us the grace of time. However, it is incumbent on all Americans to take advantage of this temporary gift. We are in the fight but it is nothing like what is happening over there...we are still relatively free, have food, comforts and family. There is no comparison but this is such a cautionary tale...Thank you for your comments and prayers.

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Viva Cristo Rey! Prayers and tears. 🙏❤️

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