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As an unanticipated essayist, I was thrilled to include ChatGPT in my arsenal. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence tool for writing. Simply type: "write a dissertation on the responsibilities of corporate citizenship vs. shareholder expectations," and Chat will generate an impeccably written and original essay on the topic. You can even request a piece in the style of Edgar Allan Poe, Shakespeare, or Hemingway. The more data that is entered, the more ChatGPT's database expands, allowing it to "self-learn".
ChatGPT is taking college campuses by the storm, and I’d imagine it is becoming the faculty’s worst nightmare. At the very least, competent writing requires research, discernment, internalization, and creative thinking. Students simply angling for a good grade need look no further than ChatGPT: a one stop shop. The paper will be brilliant, not so much the lightbulb in their brain.
Nonetheless, since I publish Praying Mantis as a public service, having free editing capabilities at my fingertips was exciting. Imagine my surprise to discover that ChatGPT has been pre-programmed to deny there were any election shenanigans in 2020. I asked the AI to edit a paragraph regarding the Brunson case and Chat basically told me to move on and get some therapy. Folks, you just can’t make this up:
Even the most advanced technology is subject to the input of its makers. If Chat were human, I’d dare say “cis” would be vaccinated, woke, a clueless socialist, and passionate about climate change. Just for kicks, I decided to trick the AI into penning a poem on some pressing issues of the day: election fraud, a Manchurian candidate, sky-high inflation, and the scourge of wokeism. Lo and behold, here it is:
In 2020, the votes were cast, but fraudsters had quite a blast!
A Manchurian candidate in the race, and now our country's in a sad, sad place.
Inflation's soaring, it's out of sight, And we're told to eat bugs with all our might.
The dollar's worth less than it was before, And the future looks bleaker, that's for sure.
Some say "Let the woke go broke!", But it's hard to see through all the smoke.
The world is changing, that's plain to see, But what will become of you and me?
Fear not my friends, we mustn't lose hope, We can still pull together, and learn to cope.
Let's band together, and make a plan, To rebuild our country, as best as we can.
Victory over the machine: They can cancel Dr. Seuss but his will spirit prevail.
If you are new to Praying Mantis, this saga is still ongoing. Stay tuned, I’ll soon be talking soon to Steve Friend, FBI whistleblower:
Que es ChatGPT?
ChatGPT es inteligencia artificial (IA) implementada como una herramienta de escritura. Simplemente se indica: "escribe una disertación sobre las responsabilidades de la ciudadanía corporativa versus las expectativas de los accionistas" y Chat generará un ensayo original perfectamente escrito. Incluso se puede pedir que escriba en el estilo de García Marques, Neruda, o Allende. A medida que se agrega más información, la base de datos de la inteligencia artificial se amplía a través de su "autoaprendizaje".
ChatGPT está arrasando los campus universitarios e imagino es una pesadilla para los profesores. Cuando menos, un buen ensayo requiere investigación, estudio, y creatividad. Los estudiantes que simplemente buscan una buena calificación no requieren más que ChatGPT, el programa lo hace todo. Su ensayo será brillante mientras que el bombillo en el cerebro se va apagando.
No obstante, debido a que publico Praying Mantis como un servicio público, agradezco tener a la mano capacidad editorial gratuita. Imagínense mi sorpresa al descubrir que ChatGPT ha sido pre programado para negar que hubo fraude electoral en el 2020. Le pedí que editara un párrafo sobre el caso Brunson y Chat básicamente negó el fraude. Incluso me recomendó que si no podía aceptar la situación, necesitaba buscar terapia.
Si Chat fuera una persona, me atrevería a decir que sería "cis", estaría vacunado, sería "woke", socialista y apasionado sobre el cambio climático. Decidí divertirme un poco y le engañé para que escribiera un poema sobre la situación actual, estilo Neruda:
La elección del 2020, un juego fraudulento, instaló un títere, un candidato manejado.
Nuestra patria, ahora, decae lento, y la inflación, en las nubes, es vista como un malhadado.
Comamos insectos para ser felices, que valga un peso lo que antes valía una fortuna,
y el dólar ya no compra nada, qué deslices, que los "woke" se hundan, de la justicia la cuna.
¡Oh! Cómo es doloroso ver la realidad, cómo nos corroe, nos desgarra, nos miente,
el panorama que hoy enfrentamos en verdad, nos obliga a luchar por un mañana diferente.
Pero no perdamos la esperanza, mantengámonos fuertes, resistentes,
cambiemos el rumbo de nuestra alianza, y así, nuestro futuro sea más coherente.
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Ignorance is bliss but information is power. I write to share so your loved ones start asking questions and seek answers for themselves. I mostly cover Election Security (or lack thereof) but sometimes the Lord points me elsewhere.
The answer is there, do you see, it's as easy as pie, do you agree? Looking out at the morning sky, watching God making a Rainbow, I wondered why? The following morning, an amazing sight, a tree was covered in sparkling diamonds, the dew drops alight from rays of sunlight, until the sky was sprayed white. I read and read the following day, God showed me the answer, Thank you Dear Lord is what I pray. How to Check Your Vote When good people work together for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, many cures can be found, many problems solved. Go in Peace, as Light awakens the Truth. God gave us the Ten Commandments for a Reason.