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Audrey Hale is the 28-year-old woman who opened fire at the Covenant School in Nashville, murdering three children and three adults. She was a former student and was gender confused, using he/him pronouns. Police revealed she was under a doctor’s care for an emotional disorder.
Although the police said Hale was transgender, obviously we do not know if she was undergoing hormonal treatment at the time of the shooting. What I do know, after surviving teen boys, is that a surge of testosterone leaves in its wake a path of destruction. Anyone dealing with male adolescence understands the alien invading the body of what used to be a sweet child. Presumably nature has equipped humans to cope with raging hormones. Eventually the sweetness returns, albeit in a not-so-adorable adult body, and we all are alive. However, what happens when we interfere with nature?
After cursory research on this subject matter, I’ve learned that if a woman takes too much testosterone, it can lead to undesirable side effects such as deepening of the voice, increased heart, liver, and cardiovascular disease, changes in menstrual cycles, and … mood swings, irritability, and aggression.
Some potential examples of aggression that may be associated with the combination of testosterone, antidepressants, and antipsychotics in a female subject include:
1. Verbal aggression: This may involve yelling, name-calling, insults, and other forms of verbal abuse.
2. Physical aggression: This may involve pushing, shoving, hitting, or other forms of physical violence.
3. Self-harm: Some individuals may direct their aggression towards themselves, leading to self-injury or suicidal behavior.
As the pressure mounts to attack the right to bear arms, we must ask the pertinent questions: is gender confusion a mental illness? The chromosome pair determines that XX is a girl, XY is a boy, and that is a fact that cannot be altered. What are the far-reaching societal consequences of improperly labeling behaviors and meddling with nature? This is a serious concern for all of us and so far, I have yet to see this being addressed as if there were any adults left in the room.
Father in Heaven,
We pray for the grieving families devastated by the loss of children and loved ones. Assuage their pain and total sense of never. We pray for the Covenant School community which will never return to what it used to be. Lord, we also pray for Audrey Hale’s parents, have mercy on her soul.
May every person affected by this tragedy find comfort and strength in You through these challenging and life altering times. We ask for their refuge and solace in your embrace.
Father, we pray for light in these darkest of times. Cover your people with the mantle of your protection. We are sheep led astray and we ask for a return to your principles, the conversion of many souls, and leaders who will steer nations to fulfill your divine purpose.
In Jesus name. Amen
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Hablemos como Adultos
Audrey Hale es la joven de 28 años que abrió fuego en la Escuela Covenant en Nashville, matando a tres niños y tres adultos. Era una exalumna, presentando confusión de género y queriendo ser hombre. La policía reveló que estaba bajo tratamiento médico por trastornos emocionales.
Aunque la policía reveló que Hale era transgénero, obviamente no sabemos si estaba recibiendo tratamiento hormonal en el momento del tiroteo. Lo que me queda claro, luego de sobrevivir la pubertad de mis hijos, es que el surgimiento de la testosterona es como un rio sin caudal. Cualquier persona que lidia con la adolescencia de varones comprende el monstruo que invade el cuerpo de lo que solía ser un niño dulce. Obviamente hemos evolucionado pudiendo lidiar con las hormonas en plena adolescencia. Eventualmente, la dulzura regresa, el cuerpo se transforma, y todos seguimos vivos. ¿Pero qué sucede cuando intervenimos con la madre naturaleza?
Después de informarme un poco sobre el asunto, he aprendido que si una mujer toma demasiada testosterona, puede llevar a efectos secundarios indeseables que van desde el engrosamiento de la voz, aumento de enfermedades cardíacas, hepáticas y cardiovasculares, cambios en los ciclos menstruales, y ... cambios de humor, irritabilidad y agresión. Algunos ejemplos potenciales de agresión que pueden estar asociados con la combinación de testosterona, antidepresivos y antipsicóticos en una mujer incluyen:
Agresión verbal: esto puede implicar gritos, insultos y otras formas de abuso verbal.
Agresión física: esto puede implicar empujones, golpes u otras formas de violencia física.
Autolesiones: algunos individuos pueden dirigir su agresión hacia sí mismos, lo que conduce a autolesiones o suicidio.
A medida que aumenta la presión para allanar el derecho a portar armas, debemos cuestionar si la confusión de género es una enfermedad mental. Un par de cromosomas determina que XX es una niña, XY es un niño, y ese es un hecho inalterable. ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias de intervenir con la naturaleza? Esta es una preocupación seria y hasta ahora, este tema no ha sido abordado clínicamente, sin cargas políticas, por adultos queriendo dejar un mejor futuro para nuestros hijos.
Padre Celestial,
Oramos por las familias en duelo por la pérdida de sus hijos y seres queridos. Alivia su dolor y desolación. Rezamos por la comunidad de Covenant que nunca volverá a ser lo que fue. Señor, también te pedimos por los padres de Audrey Hale, ten misericordia de su alma.
Que cada persona afectada por esta tragedia encuentre consuelo y fuerza en Ti durante estos tiempos difíciles. Pedimos por su refugio y paz.
Padre, oramos por luz en estos momentos de oscuridad. Cubre a tu pueblo con el manto de tu protección. Somos ovejas extraviadas y pedimos un retorno a tus principios, la conversión de muchas almas y que se forjen líderes que guíen las naciones a cumplir tu propósito divino.
En el nombre de Jesús. Amén.
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Ignorance is bliss but information is power. I write to share so your loved ones start asking questions and seek answers for themselves. I mostly cover Election Security (or lack thereof) but sometimes the Lord points me elsewhere.
We are undergoing Social Engineering, a color revolution, and depopulation. The initiator and promoter of color revolutions, George Soros, has vowed to destroy the US. Military grade propaganda, subversion and degrading of society is part of the playbook.
The Nashville school shooting was a false flag to work against the 2nd amendment. Since they are constantly working to divide us, they threw in the trans angle. Why did the shooter enter the school wearing Pumas and get shot wearing Vans? If the school was open that day, why did the alarm go off? Why was the parking lot empty in one photo and full in another? Why did Nancy Pelosi’s crisis actress show up approximately 30 minutes after the shooting complaining about guns?
There are several more questions about the shooting but I hope you get the picture.
I agree that Big Harma’s hormones and psych drugs are big contributors to the psychological problems going on with the youth in our country. We must also expose the attacks on the Freedom of Speech and the Right to Bear Arms that the Biden Administration is desperately working to destroy.
Although I am not in favor of the transgender disruption going on now, I worked at a genetics lab for a few years and remember some amnio tests coming back with mixed sex chromosomes. Found this article that explains it better.
Just think we should be aware of this when discussing transgender.