Apr 1, 2023Liked by Praying Mantis


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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Praying Mantis

Although I am not in favor of the transgender disruption going on now, I worked at a genetics lab for a few years and remember some amnio tests coming back with mixed sex chromosomes. Found this article that explains it better.


Just think we should be aware of this when discussing transgender.

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Praying Mantis

We are undergoing Social Engineering, a color revolution, and depopulation. The initiator and promoter of color revolutions, George Soros, has vowed to destroy the US. Military grade propaganda, subversion and degrading of society is part of the playbook.

The Nashville school shooting was a false flag to work against the 2nd amendment. Since they are constantly working to divide us, they threw in the trans angle. Why did the shooter enter the school wearing Pumas and get shot wearing Vans? If the school was open that day, why did the alarm go off? Why was the parking lot empty in one photo and full in another? Why did Nancy Pelosi’s crisis actress show up approximately 30 minutes after the shooting complaining about guns?

There are several more questions about the shooting but I hope you get the picture.

I agree that Big Harma’s hormones and psych drugs are big contributors to the psychological problems going on with the youth in our country. We must also expose the attacks on the Freedom of Speech and the Right to Bear Arms that the Biden Administration is desperately working to destroy.


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