Very sad indeed. I’m wondering how the people in FL feel about DeSantis throwing his hat in the presidential ring. In light of his decisions for FL, especially in regards to election integrity, one has to wonder what’s behind it.

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Those who are connecting dots think he is an establishment puppet playing both sides like a politician does. He should have stayed in his lane as governor and would have had a better shot of fooling everyone. Don’t get me wrong many are fast asleep and have been campaigning for him to be prez for years. Those people don’t deserve freedom because they don’t have a clue about defending it.

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As a Floridian, I think RDS had done some good things, specifically in the education area. However, given that we have a Red Governor and Red legislature, this state should be iron-clad regarding election security and it is not. Not happy at all about this. He could have done so much more. Now that his Presidential bid is about to be over before it even begun, he will have less political capital to spend.

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DeSantis seems to have forgotten his commitment to the people of Florida to serve as Governor instead of galivanting around the country to defeat a popular and unfairly persecuted former president. Loyalty is important, but principles and campaign promises matter too, and when he signed the election law which included an interesting and irrelevant provision to allow him to run for president without resigning from the governorship, a lot of people lost faith in that commitment. If one isn't faithful in small things, how can we expect them to be better in the larger ones?

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